2020 Archives
PROM PAR 2nd Newsletter is out now!

PROM PAR Newsletters are available on PROM PAR website in English, Greek, Italian, Bulgarian and Danish.
The Newsletter includes the following information: PROM PAR and the Corona Virus; Results from the Consultation with Stakeholders, PROM PAR Online.
PROM-PAR (Promoting Migrants’ Democratic Participation and Integration) aims to foster democratic participation among immigrants, through civic education. Furthermore, the project seeks to foster self-confidence, democratic values, and critical thinking among the target group.
NEURO-GUIDE project is growing and has more to offer

The Erasmus+ NEURO-GUIDE project is now in a more developed stage and has more to offer to the educational target groups.
In this newsletter you will learn more about:
• The recent activities of the project consortium and plans for the upcoming months
• The 4th Transnational Partner Meeting
• The Short-term Joint Staff Training Event

The XCAPE project proposes the creation of a comprehensive suite of fully online digital breakout challenges to attract those on the margins of education and training, and to support them to build the key components of creative and critical thinking, through a challenge-based learning approach.
Find out more about the project, it's activities so far and the next steps in the first Newsletter!
ENI CBC MED call is open - SYNTHESIS open for ideas and collaborations

The ENI CBC Med Programme launches a new call for proposals: €11 million to finance capitalisation projects
The objective of the call for capitalisation projects is to foster the transfer, exploitation and mainstreaming of knowledge and results developed under different Euro-Mediterranean initiatives, including the ENPI/ENI CBC Med Programmes, the Union for the Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Programme.
SPREAD THE SIGN - SYRIA in progress…

“SPREAD THE SIGN – SYRIA” is in the stage of finalizing the online dictionaries in the Syrian, Bulgarian, Greek and Cypriot sign languages. These dictionaries and their video recordings are uploaded and ready to be used by the final beneficiaries.